Sunday, October 10, 2010


Amy, stricken with panic, runs upstairs, where she runs into Rich & Janey. Amy screams as Rich grabs her.

Rich: Easy, what the hell's going on down there?
Amy: Lenny's dead!
Rich: What?
Amy: Someone just killed him downstairs!
Janey: Is that blood?
Amy: Call the police!
Rich: Okay Janey, you call them, I'm going to take a look and make sure it's just not Lenny fucking around.

Janey goes to get her phone.

Amy: Don't go!
Rich: I'll be fine.
Amy: Don't leave us!
Rich: Would you relax? I'll be gone a second.

Rich goes downstairs and Janey returns with her phone and is on hold with 911. There are sounds of a struggle downstairs, then silence. Amy & Janey look at each other worriedly.

Janey: Rich?!

They move down a few steps toward the main floor and the KILLER steps into view at the bottom of the stairs. Amy & Janey scream in unison. He throws a knife that hits Janey squarely in the forehead, and she drops down onto the stairs lifeless. Amy sees the phone which has fallen down a few steps and then the knife, which is buried in Janey's head.