Sunday, October 10, 2010


Amy decides to wait for Lenny upstairs. She goes back into the bedroom and touches up her make-up. She lays down on the bed and waits. After a time there is a knock at the door.

Amy: Come in.

The door slowly opens and standing there is Lenny, but he has a rather strange look on his face.

Amy: Lenny?

He suddenly falls forward in a heap and now there is a man dressed in black, wearing a cheap Halloween mask filling the doorway. Amy screams and clambers to the furthest part of the room. 

The KILLER lunges over the bed and slashes her across the face with a machete. Her screams cut off abruptly, as the KILLER has cleanly cut her head in two across the jaw. Amy falls to her knees and top half of her head slides off and hits the ground with a squelch, just before the rest of her body does.